Want to have your project included in the 2017-2018 iEARN Project Book?

Are you facilitating an iEARN project? Do you have an idea for a new iEARN project? The 2017-2018 iEARN Project Book will be published in September 2018 and we would love to include all new and active iEARN projects in the collection!

Continuing iEARN Projects

If you are facilitating a currently active iEARN project, please submit an updated project plan using the iEARN Project Template form. This project template can be submitted in any language. Please note that ALL projects, including those currently listed in iEARN, must submit an updated project template in order to be considered renewed and included in the book.

New iEARN Projects

We encourage all participants to first look closely at existing projects to see if there is a way that your idea can fit with an already active project. If you see a connection with an existing project, contact the facilitators of that project about possible collaboration.

If yours is a new idea, and you are proposing a new iEARN project, please first post your project idea in the Teachers Forum to find interested partners. If you find partners who are interested in collaborating with you and your students, please fill out the iEARN Project Template form.

Not sure if you're ready to facilitate a new iEARN Project? Check out the project facilitation guidelines to see if you are ready for the role. You can also view the project template and checklist here. You must be a current iEARN member to submit a project - please click here to join if you are not a current member.  

Submission Guidelines

The submission deadline for the 2017-2018 iEARN Project Book is Friday, August 11th, 2017. The book will then be published in early September, and the Project Space of the iEARN Collaboration Centre will also be updated with current project information as you submit your new project templates. We will be in touch with you after submitting to review your project proposal.

As a reference, the earlier 2016-2017 iEARN Project Book is available at https://iearn.org/pages/iearn-...



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