Global Citizenship Survey for Students

Through the global citizenship survey, iEARN, NCDO and Alice O ask young people aged 15 to 18 about their opinion on global citizenship. Do young people see themselves as global citizens? Which issues are seen as most important by young people, and why? How do they see the future? What are the differences between young people around the world?

We are aiming to execute the survey in as many countries as possible! Participating is easy and takes only a few minutes. Over 10 iEARN countries are already involved. So join us now and try and get as many young people involved as possible!

Alice O in the Netherlands will analyse the data for you, and send you the results. You can see directly what the pupils in your country think about global issues, and what the differences are with youth in other countries. Of course all participating IEARN partners can use the results for the media and/or for their own educational purposes.

For more information on the survey, please visit the iEARN Global Citizenship Survey Project Page on the iEARN Collaboration Centre. You can connect with other teachers involved in the project though the project forum.

But you can also go directly to the survey.

The survey will remain available until the end of February 2011. Results will be made publicly available March 2011.

Questions? Please contact Daniel at Alice O.




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